On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 6:25 PM, noz <sf2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > The above is very dangerous, if it
> > will even work. The output of the zfs send is
> > redirected to /tmp, which is a ramdisk.  If you
> > have enough space (RAM + Swap), it will work, but if
> > there is a reboot or crash before the zfs receive
> > completes then everything is gone.
> > In stead, do the following:
> > (2) n...@holodeck:~# zfs snapshot -r rpool/exp...@now
> > (3) n...@holodeck:~# zfs send -R rpool/exp...@now | zfs recv -d epool
> > (4) Check that all the data looks OK in epool
> > (5) n...@holodeck:~# zfs destroy -r -f rpool/export
> Thanks for the tip.  Is there an easy way to do your revised step 4?  Can I
> use a diff or something similar?  e.g.  diff rpool/export epool/export

Personally I would just browse around the structure, open a few files at
random, and consider it done.  But that is me, and my data, of which I _DO_
make backups.

You could use find to create an index of all the files and save these in
files, and compare those.  Depending on exactly how you do the find, you
might be able to just diff the files.

Of course if you want to be realy pedantic, you would do
cd /rpool/export; find . | xargs cksum > /rpool_checksums
cd /epool/export; find  . | xargs cksum > /epool_checksums
diff /?pool_checksums

But be prepared to wait a very very very long time for the two checksum
processes to run.  Unless you have very little data.


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   Arthur C. Clarke

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