additional comment below...

Kyle Kakligian wrote:
On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 8:30 AM, Blake <> wrote:
that link suggests that this is a problem with a dirty export:
Yes, a loss of power should mean there was no clean export.

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 8:30 AM, Blake <> wrote:
maybe try importing on system A again, doing a 'zpool export', waiting
for completion, then moving to system B to import?
I tried that first, but system A will have none of it. It fails with
the "cannot import 'pool0': invalid vdev configuration" error just
like system B above.

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 3:57 AM, Victor Latushkin
<> wrote:
What OpenSolaris build are you running?

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 3:57 AM, Victor Latushkin
<> wrote:
Could you please provide output of the following commands:
zdb -u pool0
zdb -bcsv pool0

Add '-e' if you are running it on your test system.
In both cases, the output is "zdb: can't open pool0: Invalid argument"

I've been meaning to do add some basic "can't import the pool" troubleshooting
tips to the ZFS Troubleshooting Guide, but am a little bit behind right now.
For reference, the guide is at:

If the pool cannot be imported, then trying to run "zdb [options] poolname"
may (will?) not work.  A good first step to troubleshoot this to ensure that
all of the labels can be read from each vdev.  As a reminder, there are 4
labels per vdev.  To read them, try
   zdb -l /dev/rdsk/<vdev>
where <vdev> is the physical device name, usually something like c0t0d0s0.
If you cannot read all 4 labels from all of the vdevs, then you should try to
solve that problem first, before moving onto further troubleshooting.
-- richard

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