if it's this one
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812186051  it works
perfectly.  I've used them on several machines.  They just show up as sata
drives.  That unit also has a very tiny red led that lights up....it's QUITE
bright....but you likely won't see it if it's inside the case.

On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 11:54 AM, Adam Sherman <asher...@versature.com>wrote:

> On 6-Aug-09, at 11:50 , Kyle McDonald wrote:
>> i've seen some people use usb sticks, and in practice it works on SOME
>>>> machines.  The biggest difference is that the bios has to allow for usb
>>>> booting.  Most of todays computers DO.  Personally i like compact flash
>>>> because it is fairly easy to use as a cheap alternative to a hard drive.  I
>>>> mirror the cf drives exactly like they are hard drives so if one fails i
>>>> just replace it.  USB is a little harder to do that with because they are
>>>> just not as consistent as compact flash.  But honestly it should work and
>>>> many people do this.
>>> This product looks really interesting:
>>> http://www.addonics.com/products/flash_memory_reader/ad2sahdcf.asp
>>> But I can't confirm it will show both cards as separate disks…
>> My read is that it won't (which is supported by the single SATA data
>> connector,) but it will do the mirroring for you.
> Turns out the FAQ page explains that it will not, too bad.
>  I know that I generally prefer to let ZFS handle the redundancy for me,
>> but for you it may be enough to let this do the mirroring for the root pool.
> I'm with you there.
>  It seems too expensive to get 2.   Do they have a cheaper one that takes
>> only 1 CF card?
> I just ordered a pair of the Syba units, cheap enough too test out anyway.
> Now to find some reasonably priced 8GB CompactFlash cards…
> Thanks,
> A.
> --
> Adam Sherman
> CTO, Versature Corp.
> Tel: +1.877.498.3772 x113
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