Hi Tim Cook.

If I was building my own system again, I would prefer not to go with consumer harddrives. I had a raidz pool containing eight drives on a snv108 system, after rebooting, four of the eight drives was so broken they could not be seen by format, let alone the zpool they belonged to.

This was with Samsung HD103UJ revision 1112 and 1113 disks. No matter what kind of hotspares, raidz2 or 3-way mirror would have saved me, so it was RMA the drives, buy some new and restore from backup. The controller was LSI1068E - A cheap USB-to-SATA adapter could see them, but with masive stalls and errors. These disks was at the moment the cheapest 1 TB disks avaliable, I understand why now.

But I'm still stuck with 6 of them in my system ;-(

Best regards
Troels Nørgaard

Den 26/08/2009 kl. 07.46 skrev Tim Cook:

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:22 AM, thomas <tjohnso...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'll admit, I was cheap at first and my
> fileserver right now is consumer drives. &nbsp;You
> can bet all my future purchases will be of the enterprise grade. &nbsp;And > guess what... none of the drives in my array are less than 5 years old, so even
> if they did die, and I had bought the enterprise versions, they'd be
> covered.

Anything particular happen that made you change your mind? I started with "enterprise grade" because of similar information discussed in this thread.. but I've also been wondering how zfs holds up with consumer level drives and if I could save money by using them in the future. I guess I'm looking for horror stories that can be
attributed to them? ;)

When it comes to my ZFS project, I am currently lacking horror stories. When it comes to "what the hell, this drive literally failed a week after the warranty was up", I unfortunately PERSONALLY have 3 examples. I'm guessing (hoping) it's just bad luck. Perhaps the luck wasn't SO bad though, as I had backups of all of those (proof, you should never rely on a single drive to last up to,or beyond its warranty period.

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