On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:27 AM, Tristan Ball <
tristan.b...@leica-microsystems.com> wrote:

>  The remaining drive would only have been flagged as dodgy if the bad
> sectors had been found, hence my comments (and general best practice) about
> data scrub’s being necessary. While I agree it’s possibly likely that the
> enterprise drive would flag errors earlier, I wouldn’t necessarily bet on
> it. Just because a given sector has successfully been read a number of times
> before doesn’t guarantee that it will be read successfully again, and again
> the enterprise drive doesn’t try as hard.  In the absence of scrubs,
> resilvering can be the hardest thing the drive does, and by my experience is
> likely to show up errors that haven’t occurred before. But you make a good
> point about retrying the resilver until it works, presuming I don’t hit a
> “too many errors, device faulted” condition. J
> I would have liked to go RaidZ2, but performance has dictated mirroring.
> Physical, Financial and Capacity constraints have conspired together to
> restrict me to 2 way mirroring rather than 3 way, which would have been my
> next choice. J
> Regards
>             Tristan
> (Who is now going to spend the afternoon figuring out how to win lottery by
> osmosis: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osmosis :-) )

My suggestion/question/whatever would be: why wouldn't raidz+an SSD arc not
meet both financial and performance requirements?  It would literally be a
first for me.

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