On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 3:42 PM, Jason <wheelz...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> I've been looking to build my own cheap SAN to explore HA scenarios with
> VMware hosts, though not for a production environment.  I'm new to
> opensolaris but I am familiar with other clustered HA systems.  The features
> of ZFS seem like they would fit right in with attempting to build an HA
> storage platform for VMware hosts on inexpensive hardware.
> Here is what I am thinking.  I want to have at least two clustered nodes
> (may be virtual running off the local storage of the VMware host) that act
> as the front end of the SAN.  These will not have any real storage
> themselves, but will be initiators for backend computers with the actual
> disks in them.  I want to be able to add and remove/replace at will so I
> figure the backends will just be fairly dumb iSCSI targets that just present
> each disk.  That way the front ends are close to the hardware for zfs to
> work best but would not limit a raid set to the capacity of a single
> enclosure.
> I'd like to present a RAIDZ2 array as a block device to VMware, how would
> that work?  Could that then be clustered so the iSCSI target is HA?  Am I
> completely off base or is there an easier way?  My goal is to be able to
> kill any one box (or multiple) and still keep the storage available for
> VMware, but still get a better total storage to usable ratio than just a
> plain mirror (2:1).  I also want to be able to add and remove storage
> dynamically.  You know, champagne on a beer budget. :)
Any particular reason you want to present block storage to VMware?  It works
as well, if not better over NFS, and saves a LOT of headaches.

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