on Fri Sep 25 2009, Glenn Lagasse <Glenn.Lagasse-AT-Sun.COM> wrote:

> The question you're asking can't easily be answered.  Sun doesn't test
> configs like that.  If you really want to do this, you'll pretty much
> have to 'try it and see what breaks'.  And you get to keep both pieces
> if anything breaks.

Heh, that doesn't sound like much fun.  I have a VM I can experiment
with, but I don't want to do this badly enough to take that risk.

> There's very little you can safely move in my experience.  /export
> certainly.  Anything else, not really (though ymmv).  I tried to create
> a seperate zfs dataset for /usr/local.  That worked some of the time,
> but it also screwed up my system a time or two during
> image-updates/package installs.

That's hard to imagine.  My OpenSolaris installation didn't come with a
/usr/local directory.  How can mounting a filesystem from a non-root
pool under /usr possibly mess anything up?

> On my 2010.02/123 system I see:
> bin             Symlink to /usr/bin
> boot/
> dev/
> devices/
> etc/
> export/         Safe to move, not tied to the 'root' system

Good to know.

> kernel/
> lib/
> media/
> mnt/
> net/
> opt/
> platform/
> proc/
> rmdisk/
> root/           Could probably move root's homedir

I don't think I'd risk it.

> rpool/
> sbin/
> system/
> tmp/
> usr/
> var/
> Other than /export, everything else is considered 'part of the root
> system'.  Thus part of the root pool.
> Really, if you can't add a mirror for your root pool, then make backups
> of your root pool (left as an exercise to the reader) and store the
> non-system specific bits (/export) on you're raidz2 pool.

Yeah, that's my fallback.  Actually, that along with copies=2 on my root
pool, which I might well do anyhow.  But you people are making a pretty
strong case for making the effort to figure out how to do the mirror

Thanks, all, for the feedback.

Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing
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