> It says at the end of the zfs send section of the man page "The format
> of the stream is committed. You will be able to receive your streams on
> future versions of ZFS."
> 'Twas not always so. It used to say "The format of the stream is
> evolving. No backwards compatibility is guaranteed. You may not be able
> to receive your streams on future versions of ZFS."
> See http://hub.opensolaris.org/bin/view/Community+Group+on/2008042301

Thanks, Phil.
I knew I read the man page in its entirety at one point, and had just cause to 
be nervous, and when this comment basically "read the man page" came out - and 
it was obvious now that there's no problem - I knew it sounded like news to me.

Thanks for the clarification.  I feel even more sane now.  ;-)

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