On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 2:01 PM, Bob Friesenhahn <
bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us> wrote:

> On Wed, 30 Dec 2009, Thomas Burgess wrote:
>> Just curious, but in your "ideal" situation, is it considered best to use
>> 1 controller for each vdev or user a different controler for each device in
>> the vdev (i'd guess the latter but ive been wrong before)
> From both a fault-tolerance standpoint, and performance standpoint, it is
> best to distribute the vdev devices across controllers.  With perfect
> distribution, you could pull a controller and it would be as if one drive
> failed in each vdev (and you can still read your data). If a controller
> messes up and sends bad data, then the damage is more limited.
I realized 2 things after i hit "send"

That it made more sense in case a controller failed and 2, you already
answered the question =)  I'm going to go drink some coffee now and put a
big reminder on the board DONT HIT SEND BEFORE coffee.

Thanks =)
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