On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 12:30:01PM -0800, Simon Breden wrote:
> And regarding mirror vdevs etc, I can see the usefulness of being
> able to build a mirror vdev of multiple drives for cases where you
> have really critical data -- e.g. a single 4-drive mirror vdev. I
> suppose regular backups can help with critical data too. 

Multi-way mirrors have lots of uses:
 - seek independence, for heavily read-biased loads (writes tend to
   kill this quickly by forcing all drives to seek together).
 - faster resilver times with less impact to production load (resilver
   reads are a particular case of the above)
 - capacity upgrades without losing redundancy in the process (note
   this is inherently n+1, proof by induction for arbitrary mirrors)
 - lots of variations of the "attach another mirror, sync and detach"
   workflow that "zpool clone" was created to support, whether for
   backup or reporting or remote replication or test systems or ..
 - "burning in" or qualifying new drives, to work out early failures
   before putting them in service (easy way to amplify a test workload
   by say 10x). Watch for slow units, as well as bad data/scrub
   fails.  Just as good for amplifying test workload for controllers
   and other components.

and.. um.. 

 - testing dedup (make a n-way mirror out of n zvols on the same
   dedup'ed pool; comstar optional :)

More seriously, though, it's for some of these scenarios that the zfs
limitation of not being able to layer pool types (easily) is most
irritating (raidz of mirrors, mirror of raidz).  Again, that's in part
because of practices developed previously; zfs may eventually offer
even better solutions, but not yet.


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