> A most excellent set of tests.  We could use some units in the PDF
> file though.

Oh, by the way, you originally requested the 12G file to be used in
benchmark, and later changed to 4G.  But by that time, two of the tests had
already completed on the 12G, and I didn't throw away those results, but I
didn't include them in the summary either.

If you look in the raw results, you'll see a directory called 12G, and if
you compare those results against the equivalent 4G counterpart, you'll see
the 12G in fact performed somewhat lower.

The reason is that there are sometimes cache hits during read operations,
and the write back buffer is enabled in the PERC.  So the smaller the data
set, the more frequently these things will accelerate you.  And
consequently, the 4G performance was measured higher.

This doesn't affect me at all.  I wanted to know qualitative results, not

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