On 02/22/10 03:35 PM, Jacob Ritorto wrote:
On 02/22/10 09:19, Henrik Johansen wrote:
On 02/22/10 02:33 PM, Jacob Ritorto wrote:
On 02/22/10 06:12, Henrik Johansen wrote:
Well - once thing that makes me feel a bit uncomfortable is the fact
that you no longer can buy OpenSolaris Support subscriptions.

Almost every trace of it has vanished from the Sun/Oracle website and a
quick call to our local Sun office confirmed that they apparently no
longer sell them.

I was actually very startled to see that since we're using it in
production here. After digging through the web for hours, I found that
OpenSolaris support is now included in Solaris support. This is a win
for us because we never know if a particular box, especially a dev box,
is going to remain Solaris or OpenSolaris for the duration of a support
purchase and now we're free to mix and mingle. If you refer to the
Solaris support web page (png attached if the mailing list allows),
you'll see that OpenSolaris is now officially part of the deal and is no
longer being treated as a second class support offering.

That would be *very* nice indeed. I have checked the URL in your
screenshot but I am getting a different result (png attached).

Ohwell - I'll just have to wait and see.

Confirmed your finding Henrik.  This is a showstopper for us as the
higherups are already quite leery of Sun/Oracle and the future of
Solaris.  I'm calling Oracle to see if I can get some answers.  The SUSE
folks recently took a big chunk of our UNIX business here and
OpenSolaris was my main tool in battling that.  For us, the loss of
OpenSolaris and its support likely indicates the end of Solaris altogether.

Well - I too am reluctant to put more OpenSolaris boxes into production until this matter has been resolved.

Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

Henrik Johansen
Tlf. 75 53 35 00

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