You (Jacob Ritorto) wrote:
> FWIW, I suspect that this situation does not warrant a "Wait and See"
> response.  We're being badly mistreated here and it's probably too
> late to do anything about it.  Probably the only chance to quell this
> poor stewardship is to get big and loud right away.  Then we can see
> if Oracle actually respects the notion of community.

Badly mistreated "here"?

Bad words, you're using, please change them! And, if you have a problem,
escalate with your Sales-Rep!

BTW: If you look at Oracle, and it's support-contracts all over the product
line/range, you can try to draw conclusions. One such conclusion might be:
"simple, standard offering" and not "millions of diverse options". So, I would
still opt for "wait and see"...

BTW2: I'm NOT talking for Oracle, nor Sun, I simply don't have any insight into
these things, I'm just concluding like you! And: The fact, that there still is does send a message!

BTW3: Do NOT expect ANY official statement from Oracle here, that simply will
not happen! (my sincere gut feeling!)

So, talk to your Service-Sales Rep, and escalate, if need be!

Matthias Pfützner | Tel.: +49 700 PFUETZNER      | Linux will become very
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