Thanks for that.

It seems strange though that the two disks, which are from the same 
manufacturer, same model, same firmware and similar batch/serial's behave 

I am also puzzled that the rpool disk appears to start at cylinder 0 and not 1.

I did find this quote after googling for the CR6844090 at the best practices 

"The size of the replacements vdev, measured by usable sectors, must be the 
same or greater than the vdev being replaced. This can be confusing when whole 
disks are used because different models of disks may provide a different number 
of usable sectors. For example, if a pool was created with a "500 GByte" drive 
and you need to replace it with another "500 GByte" drive, then you may not be 
able to do so if the drives are not of the same make, model, and firmware 
revision. Consider planning ahead and reserving some space by creating a slice 
which is smaller than the whole disk instead of the whole disk. In Nevada, 
build 117, it might be possible to replace or attach a disk that is slight 
smaller than the other disks in a pool. This is CR 6844090. "
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