On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 3:31 AM, Ethan <notet...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 21:22, Bob Friesenhahn
> <bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us> wrote:
>> Just a couple of days ago there was discussion of importing disks from
>> Linux FUSE zfs.  The import was successful.  The same methods used
>> (directory containing symbolic links to desired device partitions) might be
>> used.
> Yes, I ran into this very recently, moving from zfs-fuse on linux to
> OpenSolaris. My import looked almost exactly like yours. I did something
> along the lines of:
> mkdir dskp0s # create a temp directory to point to the p0 partitions of the
> relevant disks
> cd dskp0s
> ln -s /dev/dsk/c8t1d0p0
> ln -s /dev/dsk/c8t2d0p0
> ln -s /dev/dsk/c8t3d0p0
> ln -s /dev/dsk/c8t4d0p0
> zpool import -d . secure
> (substituting in info for your pool) and it imported, no problem.

I have read your thread now ("Help with corrupted pool" for anyone
interested). It raised some questions in my head... Someone wrote that
this method "will not work at boot"? Does that mean that the pool
won't automount at boot or that I can't boot from it (that one I don't

Also, if I import the pool successfully in OpenSolaris (and don't do
zfs/zpool upgrade), will that destroy my chances of importing it in
FreeBSD again in the (near) future?

I haven't tried importing because I'm not yet ready to make the switch
to OpenSolaris, I need to replace a controller (Promise PDC40518
SATA150 TX4) that isn't recognized, but that's another issue.

I too would want an answer to "Is there any significant advantage to
having a partition table?", but seeing that your last post is pretty
new, maybe that will come.

Thanks for the help.
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