>>>>> "rm" == Robert Milkowski <mi...@task.gda.pl> writes:

    rm> the reason you get better performance out of the box on Linux
    rm> as NFS server is that it actually behaves like with disabled
    rm> ZIL


Solaris people have been slinging mud at linux for things unfsd did in
spite of the fact knfsd has been around for a decade.  and ``has
options to behave like the ZIL is disabled (sync/async in
/etc/exports)'' != ``always behaves like the ZIL is disabled''.

If you are certain about Linux NFS servers not preserving data for
hard mounts when the server reboots even with the 'sync' option which
is the default, please confirm, but otherwise I do not believe you.

    rm> Which is an expected behavior when you break NFS requirements
    rm> as Linux does out of the box.

wrong.  The default is 'sync' in /etc/exports.  The default has
changed, but the default is 'sync', and the whole thing is

    rm> What would be useful though is to be able to easily disable
    rm> ZIL per dataset instead of OS wide switch.

yeah, Linux NFS servers have that granularity for their equivalent

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