On Wednesday, April 7, 2010, Jason S <j.sin...@shaw.ca> wrote:
> Since i already have Open Solaris installed on the box, i probably wont jump 
> over to FreeBSD. However someone has suggested to me to look into 
> www.nexenta.org and i must say it is quite interesting. Someone correct me if 
> i am wrong but it looks like it is Open Solaris based and has basically 
> everything i am looking for (NFS and CIFS sharing). I am downloading it right 
> now and am going to install it on another machine to see if this GUI is easy 
> enough to use.
> Does anyone have any experience or pointers with this NAS software?
> --
> This message posted from opensolaris.org
> _

I wouldn't waste your time. My last go round lacp was completely
broken for no apparent reason. The community is basically

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