On Apr 7, 2010, at 16:47, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:

Solaris 10's Live Upgrade (and the OpenSolaris equivalent) is quite valuable in that it allows you to upgrade the OS without more than a few minutes of down-time and with a quick fall-back if things don't work as expected.

It is more straightforward to update a FreeBSD install from source code because that is the way it is normally delivered. Sometimes this is useful in order to incorporate a fix as soon as possible without needing to wait for someone to produce binaries.

If you're going to go with (Open)Solaris, the OP may also want to look into the multi-platform pkgsrc for third-party open source software:


It's not as comprehensive as FreeBSD Ports (21,500 and counting), but it has the major stuff and is quite good. I'd also look into the FreeBSD Handbook:


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