On Wed, 7 Apr 2010, Jason S wrote:

systems that support ZFS. Does anyone have any advice as to wether i should be considering FreeBSD instead of Open Solaris? Both operating systems are somewhat foriegn to me as i come from the

FreeBSD zfs does clearly work, although it is an older version of zfs (version 13) than comes with the latest Solaris 10 (version 15), or development OpenSolaris. Zfs is better integrated into Solaris than it is in FreeBSD since it was designed for Solaris. While I have not used FreeBSD zfs, my experience with Solaris 10 and FreeBSD is that Solaris 10 (and later) is an extremely feature-rich system which can take considerable time to figure out if you really want to use all of those features (but you don't have to). FreeBSD is simpler because it does not do as much. FreeBSD boots extremely fast.

If your only interest is with zfs, my impression is that in a year or two it will not really matter if you are using Solaris or FreeBSD because FreeBSD will have an updated zfs (with deduplication) and will be more mature than it is now. Today zfs is more mature and stable in Solaris.

Solaris NFS is clearly more mature and performant than in FreeBSD. OpenSolaris native CIFS is apparently quite a good performer. I find that Solaris 10 with Samba works well for me.

Solaris 10's Live Upgrade (and the OpenSolaris equivalent) is quite valuable in that it allows you to upgrade the OS without more than a few minutes of down-time and with a quick fall-back if things don't work as expected.

It is more straightforward to update a FreeBSD install from source code because that is the way it is normally delivered. Sometimes this is useful in order to incorporate a fix as soon as possible without needing to wait for someone to produce binaries.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/
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