On Sun, Jun 06, 2010 at 09:16:56PM -0700, Ken wrote:
>    I'm looking at VMWare, ESXi 4, but I'll take any advice offered.
>    I'm looking to build a virtualized web hosting server environment accessing
>    files on a hybrid storage SAN.  I was looking at using the Sun X-Fire x4540
>    with the following configuration:

IMHO Solaris Zones with LOFS mounted ZFSs gives you the highest
flexibility in all directions, probably the best performance and 
least resource consumption, fine grained resource management (CPU,
memory, storage space) and less maintainance stress etc...

Have fun,
Otto-von-Guericke University     http://www.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/
Department of Computer Science   Geb. 29 R 027, Universitaetsplatz 2
39106 Magdeburg, Germany         Tel: +49 391 67 12768
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