>>>>> "pk" == Pasi Kärkkäinen <pa...@iki.fi> writes:

    >>> You're really confused, though I'm sure you're going to deny
    >>> it.

    >>  I don't think so.  I think that it is time to reset and reboot
    >> yourself on the technology curve.  FC semantics have been
    >> ported onto ethernet.  This is not your grandmother's ethernet
    >> but it is capable of supporting both FCoE and normal IP
    >> traffic.  The FCoE gets per-stream QOS similar to what you are
    >> used to from Fibre Channel.

FCoE != iSCSI.

FCoE was not being discussed in the part you're trying to contradict.
If you read my entire post, I talk about FCoE at the end and say more
or less ``I am talking about FCoE here only so you don't try to throw
out my entire post by latching onto some corner case not applying to
the OP by dragging FCoE into the mix'' which is exactly what you did.
I'm guessing you fired off a reply without reading the whole thing?

    pk> Yeah, today enterprise iSCSI vendors like Equallogic (bought
    pk> by Dell) _recommend_ using flow control. Their iSCSI storage
    pk> arrays are designed to work properly with flow control and
    pk> perform well.

    pk> Of course you need a proper ("certified") switches aswell.

    pk> Equallogic says the delays from flow control pause frames are
    pk> shorter than tcp retransmits, so that's why they're using and
    pk> recommending it.

please have a look at the three links I posted about flow control not
being used the way you think it is by any serious switch vendor, and
the explanation of why this limitation is fundamental, not something
that can be overcome by ``technology curve.''  It will not hurt
anything to allow autonegotiation of flow control on non-broken
switches so I'm not surprised they recommend it with ``certified''
known-non-broken switches, but it also will not help unless your
switches have input/backplane congestion which they usually don't, or
your end host is able to generate PAUSE frames for PCIe congestion
which is maybe more plausible.  In particular it won't help with the
typical case of the ``incast'' problem in the experiment in the FAST
incast paper URL I gave, because they narrowed down what was happening
in their experiment to OUTPUT queue congestion, which (***MODULO
FCoE*** mr ``reboot yourself on the technology curve'') never invokes
ethernet flow control.


ok let me try again:

yes, I agree it would not be stupid to run iSCSI+TCP over a CoS with
blocking storage-friendly buffer semantics if your FCoE/CEE switches
can manage that, but I would like to hear of someone actually DOING it
before we drag it into the discussion.  I don't think that's happening
in the wild so far, and it's definitely not the application for which
these products have been flogged.

I know people run iSCSI over IB (possibly with RDMA for moving the
bulk data rather than TCP), and I know people run SCSI over FC, and of
course SCSI (not iSCSI) over FCoE.  Remember the original assertion
was: please try FC as well as iSCSI if you can afford it.

Are you guys really saying you believe people are running ***iSCSI***
over the separate HOL-blocking hop-by-hop pause frame CoS's of FCoE
meshes?  or are you just spewing a bunch of noxious white paper
vapours at me?  because AIUI people using the
lossless/small-output-buffer channel of FCoE are running the FC
protocol over that ``virtual channel'' of the mesh, not iSCSI, are
they not?

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