On 6/10/2010 9:04 PM, Rodrigo E. De León Plicet wrote:
On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 7:14 PM, Anurag Agarwal<anu...@kqinfotech.com>  wrote:
We at KQInfotech, initially started on an independent port of ZFS to linux.
When we posted our progress about port last year, then we came to know about
the work on LLNL port. Since then we started working on to re-base our
changing on top Brian's changes.

We are working on porting ZPL on that code. Our current status is that
mount/unmount is working. Most of the directory operations and read/write is
also working. There is still lot more development work and testing that
needs to be going in this. But we are committed to make this happen so
please stay tuned.

Good times ahead!
I don't mean to be a PITA, but I'm assuming that someone lawyerly has had the 
appropriate discussions with the porting team about how linking against the 
GPL'd Linux kernel means your kernel module has to be GPL-compatible.  It 
doesn't matter if you distribute it outside the general kernel source tarball, 
what matters is that you're linking against a GPL program, and the old GPL v2 
doesn't allow for a non-GPL-compatibly-licensed module to do that.

As a workaround, take a look at what nVidia did for their X driver - it uses a 
GPL'd kernel module as a shim, which their codebase can then call from 
userland. Which is essentially what the ZFS FUSE folks have been reduced to 

If the new work is a whole new implementation of the ZFS *design* intended for 
the linux kernel, then Yea! Great!  (fortunately, it does sound like this is 
what's going on)  Otherwise, OpenSolaris CDDL'd code can't go into a Linux 
kernel, module or otherwise.

Erik Trimble
Java System Support
Mailstop:  usca22-123
Phone:  x17195
Santa Clara, CA

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