On Jun 8, 2010, at 12:46 PM, Miles Nordin wrote:

>>>>>> "re" == Richard Elling <richard.ell...@gmail.com> writes:
>    re> Please don't confuse Ethernet with IP.
> okay, but I'm not.  seriously, if you'll look into it.

[fine whine elided]
I think we can agree that the perfect network has yet to be invented :-)
Meanwhile, 6Gbps SAS switches are starting to hit the market... what fun :-)

>    re> The latest OpenSolaris release is 2009.06 which treats all
>    re> Zvol-backed COMSTAR iSCSI writes as sync. This was changed in
>    re> the developer releases in summer 2009, b114.  For a release
>    re> such as NexentaStor 3.0.2, which is based on b140 (+/-), the
>    re> initiator's write cache enable/disable request is respected,
>    re> by default.
> that helps a little, but it's far from a full enough picture to be
> useful to anyone IMHO.  In fact it's pretty close to ``it varies and
> is confusing'' which I already knew:
> * how do I control the write cache from the initiator?  though I
>   think I already know the answer: ``it depends on which initiator,''
>   and ``oh, you're using that one?  well i don't know how to do it
>   with THAT initiator'' == YOU DON'T

For ZFS over a Solaris initiator, it is done with setting DKIOCSETWCE
via an ioctl.  Look on or near

I presume that this can also be set with format -e, as is done for other 
devices.  Has anyone else tried?

> * when the setting has been controlled, how long does it persist?
>   Where can it be inspected?

RTFM stmfadm(1m) and look for "wcd"
drives me nuts that some people prefer negatives (disables) over
positives (enables)

> * ``by default'' == there is a way to make it not respect the
>   initiator's setting, and through a target shell command cause it to
>   use one setting or the other, persistently?

See above.

> * is the behavior different for file-backed LUN's than zvol's?

Yes, it can be.  It can also be modified by the sync property.
See CR 6794730, need zvol support for DKIOCSETWCE and friends

> I guess there is less point to figuring this out until the behavior is
> settled.

I think it is settled, but perhaps not well documented :-(
 -- richard

ZFS and NexentaStor training, Rotterdam, July 13-15, 2010

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