> From: Fred Liu [mailto:fred_...@issi.com]
> But too many file systems may be an issue for management and also
> normal user cannot create file system.
> I think it should go like what NetApp's snapshot does.
> It is a pity.

For Windows/CIFS clients, the solution I use is:
        ln -s .zfs/snapshot snapshot
This allows people browsing a filesystem to simply see a "snapshot"
directory and browse into it.  There isn't a user on earth that's too dumb
to use this.

For Windows/CIFS clients, many other people prefer the "Previous Versions"
support, which is available if you use the "sharecifs" property (or whatever
it is.)  Personally I prefer a complex installation of Samba instead.

For anybody using NFS/linux/unix clients, I recommend zhist.  (But I'm
biased in favor of zhist.)

I agree the ".snapshot" directory in Netapp-style is more user friendly, and
kind of cooler, but fundamentally a security problem.  See here:

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