On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 10:40 AM, Ray Van Dolson <rvandol...@esri.com>wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 08:35:05AM -0700, Tim Cook wrote:
> > No, no they don't.  You're under the misconception that they no
> > longer own the code just because they released a copy as GPL.  That
> > is not true.  Anyone ELSE who uses the GPL code must release
> > modifications if they wish to distribute it due to the GPL.  The
> > original author is free to license the code as many times under as
> > many conditions as they like, and release or not release subsequent
> > changes they make to their own code.
> >
> > I absolutely guarantee Oracle can and likely already has
> > dual-licensed BTRFS.
> Well, Oracle obviously would want btrfs to stay as part of the Linux
> kernel rather than die a death of anonymity outside of it...
> As such, they'll need to continue to comply with GPLv2 requirements.

Why would they obviously want that?  When the project started, they were
competing with Sun.  They now own Solaris; they no longer have a need to
produce a competing product.  I would be EXTREMELY surprised to see Oracle
continue to push Linux as hard as they have in the past, over the next 5

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