2010/8/16 "C. Bergström" <codest...@osunix.org>

> Tim Cook wrote:
>> 2010/8/16 "C. Bergström" <codest...@osunix.org <mailto:
>> codest...@osunix.org>>
>>    Joerg Schilling wrote:
>>        "C. Bergström" <codest...@osunix.org
>>        <mailto:codest...@osunix.org>> wrote:
>>                I absolutely guarantee Oracle can and likely already
>>                has dual-licensed BTRFS.
>>            No.. talk to Chris Mason.. it depends on the linux kernel
>>            too much already to be available under anything, but GPLv2
>>        If he really believes this, then he seems to be missinformed
>>        about legal background.
>>        The question is: who wrote the btrfs code and who owns it.
>>        If Oracle pays him for writing the code, then Oracle owns the
>>        code and can relicense it under any license they like.
>>    Why don't all you license trolls go crawl under a rock.. Are you
>>    so dense to believe
>>    1) Only Oracle devs have by now contributed to btrfs?
>>    2) That it's so tightly intermingled with the linux kernel code
>>    you can't separate the two of them.
>>    Just STFU already and go check commit logs and source if you don't
>>    believe..
>>    ZFS-discuss != BTRFS+Oracle-license troll-ml
>> Before making yourself look like a fool, I suggest you look at the BTRFS
>> commits.  Can you find a commit submitted by anyone BUT Oracle employees?
>>  I've yet to see any significant contribution from anyone outside the walls
>> of Oracle to the project.
> I think I've probably dug into the issue a bit deeper than you..
> http://www.codestrom.com/wandering/2009/03/zfs-vs-btrfs-comparison.html
> Oh. .and if you don't believe me ask Josef Bacik from RH..
> I'm not directing this at anyone specifically..  Pretty please..  STFU and
> go back to trolling somewhere else...
Nobody here appears to be trolling beyond you.  The rest of us were having a
civilized conversation prior to you feeling the need to start throwing out
insults.  Oracle can pull the plug at any time they choose.  *ONE* developer
from Redhat does not change the fact that Oracle owns the rights to the
majority of the code, and can relicense it, or discontinue code updates, as
they see fit.

Grow up.

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