On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 08:55:49AM -0700, Tim Cook wrote:
> Why would they obviously want that?  When the project started, they
> were competing with Sun.  They now own Solaris; they no longer have a
> need to produce a competing product.  I would be EXTREMELY surprised
> to see Oracle continue to push Linux as hard as they have in the
> past, over the next 5 years.
> --Tim

Well, we're getting into the realm of opinion here.. but if I'm a
decision maker at Oracle, I'm not abandoning Linux, nor my potential
influence in the future "de facto" Linux filesystem.

Oracle can gear Solaris towards big iron / Enterprisey, niche
solutions, but I'd bet a lot that they're not abandoning the Linux
space by a longshot just because they own Solaris...

But your opinion is as valid as mine on this topic... :)

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