Hey thanks for the replies everyone.

Saddly most of those options will not work, since we are using a SUN Unified 
Storage 7210, the only option is to buy the SUN SSD's for it, which is about 
$15k USD for a pair.   We also don't have the ability to shut off ZIL or any of 
the other options that one might have under OpenSolaris itself :(

It sounds like I do want to change to a RAID10 mirror instead of RAIDz.   It 
sounds like enabling write-cash without the ZIL in place might work but would 
lead to corruption should something crash.

So the question is with a proper ZIL SSD from SUN, and a RAID10... would I be 
able to support all the VM's or would it still be pushing the limits a 44 disk 

Today there are 30 VM's, 25 are Windows 2008 and 5 are Cent OS 5.   A couple 
are DB servers that see very light load.  The only thing that see's any real 
load is a build server which we get a lot of complaints about.

I did some testing and posted my results a month ago, using OpenSolaris and 5 
disks with my personal Intel SSD and saw good results, but I don't know how it 
will scale :(
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