The question that has occurred to me is:

I *must* choose one of those support options for how long?

I mean if I buy support for a machine for a year and put S11 Express
in production on it, then I don't renew the support, am I now
violating the license?

That's bogus. I could be wrong but I don't think Sun ever did this. As
far as I knew when I worked at Sun, I seem to remember that buying a
machine gave you a 'right to use' Solaris (even future versions as I
understood it) on that machine with out any extra charge.

Is there an option to just buy a license outright without paying for

This is as bad a some application software companies are. license
ends  app stops running.
Actually this is worse since it's not just one app it's the whole OS.
At least it doesn't refuse to run or cripple itself like some other OS
does. ;)


> Licensing and Support for Oracle Solaris 11 Express
> 11-Can I get support for Oracle Solaris 11 Express?
> Yes. Oracle Solaris 11 Express is covered under the Oracle Premier
> Support for Operating Systems or Oracle Premier Support for Systems
> support option for Oracle hardware, and Oracle Solaris Premier
> Subscription for non-Oracle hardware. Customers must choose either
> of these support options should they wish to deploy Oracle Solaris
> 11 Express into a production environment.
> [1]

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