>>>>> "djm" == Darren J Moffat <darr...@opensolaris.org> writes:

   djm> http://blogs.sun.com/darren/entry/introducing_zfs_crypto_in_oracle
   djm> http://blogs.sun.com/darren/entry/assued_delete_with_zfs_dataset

Is there a URL describing the on-disk format and implementation details?

   djm> Encryption at the application layer solves a different set of
   djm> problems to encryption at the storage layer. 

black-box crypto is snake oil at any level, IMNSHO.

Congrats again on finishing your project, but every other disk
encryption framework I've seen taken remotely seriously has a detailed
paper describing the algorithm, not just a list of features and a
configuration guide.  It should be a requirement for anything treated
as more than a toy.  I might have missed yours, or maybe it's coming

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