On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 5:18 PM, Krunal Desai <mov...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > There are problems with Sandforce controllers, according to forum posts.
> Buggy firmware. And in practice, Sandforce is far below it's theoretical
> values. I expect Intel to have fewer problems.
> I believe it's more the firmware (and pace of firmware updates) from
> companies making Sandforce-based drives than it is the controller.
> Enthusiasts can tolerate OCZ and others releasing alphas/betas in forum
> posts.
> While the G2 Intel drives may not be the performance kings anymore (or the
> most price-effective), I'd argue they're certainly the most stable when it
> comes to firmware. Have my eye on a G3 Intel drive for my laptop, where I
> can't really afford beta firmware updates biting me on the road.
> --khd

Again this is news to me.  Do you have examples?  There were plenty of
revisions when they first dropped 6-8 months ago, but I haven't heard of
anything similar in quite some time. As for Intel, they've had their share
of issues as well.  I assume you remember the data-loss inducing BIOS
password bug?

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