On Sat, 11 Dec 2010, Stephan Budach wrote:

At first I disabled all write cache and read ahead options for each raid group on the raids, since I wanted to provide ZFS as much control over the drives as possible, but the performance was quite worse. I am running this zpool on a Sun Fire X4170M2 with 32 GB of RAM so I ran bonnie++ with -s 63356 -n 128 and got these results:

Sequential Output
char: 51819
block: 50602
rewrite: 28090

I am not very familiar with bonnie++ output. Does 51819 mean 51MB/second? If so, that is perhaps 1 disk's worth of performance.

Random seeks: 510 <- this seems really low to me, isn't it?

It does seem a bit low. Everything depends on if the "random seek" was satisfied from ARC cache or from the underlying disk. You should be able to obtain at least the number of physical seeks available from 1/2 your total disks. For example, with 16 pair and if each disk could do 100 seeks per second, then you should expect at least 8*100 random seeks per second. With zfs mirroring and doing only read-seeks, you should expect to get up to 75% of the seek capability of all 16 disks combined.

Since I was curious, what would happen, if I'd enable WriteCache and ReadAhead on the raid groups, I turned them on for all 32 devices and re-ran bonnie++. To my great dismay, this time zfs had a lot of random troubles with the drives, where zfs would remove drives arbitrarily from the pool since they exceeded the error thresholds. On one run, this only happend to 4 drives from one fc raid on the next run 3 drives from the other raid got removed from the pool.

Ungood. Note that with this many disks, you should be able to swamp your fiber channel link and that the fiber channel should be the sequential I/O bottleneck. It may also be that your RAID array firmware/CPUs become severely overloaded.

I know, that I'd better disable all "optimizations" on the raid side, but the performance seems just too bad with these settings. Maybe running 16 mirrors in a zpool is not a good idea - but that seems more than unlikely to me.

16 mirrors in a zpool is a very good idea. Just keep in mind that this is a lot of I/O power and you might swamp your FC link and adaptor card.

Is there anything else I can check?

Check the output of

  iostat -xn 30

while bonnie++ is running.  This may reveal an issue.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
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