Bob, Ian… thanks for your input.

It may be that the fw on the raid really got overloaded and that may had to do with the way the GUI works. I am now testing the same configuration on another host, where I can risk some lockups when running bonnie++.

I am able to set some options on the drive level, namely write cache and read ahead as well as on the virtual drive level. Unfortuanetly the options on the virtual drive level are called equally and I thought that setting these options on the drive level when configuring a JBOD raid group would also set them on the virtual disk level, but that didn't happen. ;)

So, odds are quite good that I overloaded the raid controller with lots of virtual disks that had their cache settings to write through and read ahead on. ATM, I have all options disabled on the drive level and on the raid group level as well as on the virtual drive level.

My current run of bonnie is of course not that satisfactory and I wanted to ask you, if it's safe to turn on at least the drive level options, namely the write cache and the read ahead?

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