Edward Ned Harvey wrote
> From: Deano [mailto:de...@rattie.demon.co.uk]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 9:16 AM
> So honestly do we want to innovate ZFS (I do) or do we just want to follow
> Oracle?

> Well, you can't follow Oracle.  Unless you wait till they release
> reverse engineer it, and attempt to reimplement it.  I am quite sure
> be sued if you do that.
> If you want forward development in the open source tree, you basically
> only one option:  Some major contributor must have a financial interest,
> commit to a real concerted development effort, with their own roadmap,
> is intentionally designed NOT to overlap with the Oracle roadmap.
> Otherwise, the code will stagnate.

Why does it need a big backer? Erm ZFS isn't that large or amazingly complex
code. It is *good* code but take 100s of developers and a fortune to
develop? Erm nope (which I'd bet it never had at Sun either).

Why not overlap Oracle? what has it got to do with Oracle if we have split
into ZFS (Oracle) and "OpenZFS" in future. "OpenZFS" will get whatever
features developers feel that want or they need to develop for it.

This is the fundamental choice of Open source ZFS, illumos and OpenIndiania
(and other distributions) have to decide, what is there purpose? Is it a
free compatible (though trailing) version of Oracle Solaris OR a platform
that shared an ancestor with Oracle Solaris via Sun OpenSolaris but now is
its own evolutionary species, with no more connection than I have with a
15th cousin removed on my great, great, great, grandfathers side.

This isn't even a theoretical what if situation for me, I have a major
modification to ZFS (still being developed), it has no basis on Oracle or
anybody elses needs just mine. It is what I felt I needed and ZFS was the
right base for it. Now will that go into "OpenZFS"? Honestly I don't know
yet, because not sure it would be wanted (it will be incompatible with
Oracle ZFS) and personally, commercially I'm not sure if it's the right move
to open source the feature.

I bet I'm not the only small developer out there in a similar situation, the
landscape is very unclear about what actually the community wants to do
going forward, and whether we will have or even want "OpenZFS" and Oracle
ZFS or Oracle ZFS and 90% compatibles (always trailing) or Oracle ZFS + DevA
ZFS + DevB ZFS + DevC ZFS.



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