This is a silly argument, but...

Haven't seen any underdog proven solid enough for me to deploy in enterprise yet.

I haven't seen any "over"dog proven solid enough for me to be able to rely on either. Certainly not Solaris. Don't get me wrong, I like(d) Solaris. But every so often you'd find a bug and they'd take an age to fix it (or to declare that they wouldn't fix it). In one case we had 18 months between reporting a problem and Sun fixing it. In another case it was around 3 months and because we happened to have the source code we even told them where the bug was and what a fix could be.

Solaris (and the other "over"dogs) are worth it when you want someone else to do the grunt work and someone else to point at and blame, but lets not romanticize how good it or any of the others are. What made Solaris (10 at least) worth deploying were its features (dtrace, zfs, SMF, etc).

Julian King
Computer Officer, University of Cambridge, Unix Support
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