On Mar 22, 2011, at 21:09, Fajar A. Nugraha wrote:

> Seeing that userland programs for *Solaris and derivatives (GUI,
> daemons, tools, etc) is usually late compared to bleeding-edge Linux
> distros (e.g. Ubuntu), with no particular dedicated team working on
> improvement there, I'm guessing the answer will be "highly unlikely".

Pkgsrc works pretty well:


As does Blastwave and Sunfreeware. I like a stable base to work off, and that's 
why I'm also a fan of the BSDs: a well-done OS, with fairly easy  to add 
third-party software.

Having pre-packaged binaries is useful, but I find that either the churn is too 
fast (Fedora, Ubuntu), or it's stable and therefore no different that having 
Solaris/BSD (RHEL-based stuff). There's also the fact that the pre-packaged 
stuff often pulls in dependencies I have no use for (e.g., Avahi, D-Bus).

Pluses and minuses to both.

I can deal with installing more up-to-date packages if need be. There is no 
substitute for ZFS, zones/jails, DTrace, etc.
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