On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 01:04:49AM -0400, Daniel Carosone wrote:
> .. evidently doesn't work.  GRUB reboots the machine moments after
> loading stage2, and doesn't recognise the fstype when examining the
> disk loaded from an alernate source.
> This is with SX-151.  Here's hoping a future version (with grub2?)
> resolves this, as well as lets us boot from raidz.
> Just a note for the archives in case it helps someone else get back
> the afternoon I just burnt.

I've noticed this behaviour this morning and have been debugging it
since. I found out that, for some unknown reason, grub fails to get the
disk geometry, assumes 0 sectors/track and then does a divide-by-zero.

I don't think this is a zfs issue.


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