> The hardware ist SM-Board, Xeon, 16 GB reg RAM, LSI 9211-8i HBA,
> 6 x Hitachi 2TB Deskstar 5K3000 HDS5C3020ALA632.
> Server is standing in the basement by 32°C
> The HDs are filled to 80% and the workload ist only most reading.
> Whats the best? Scrubbing every week, every second week once a month?

Generally, you can't scrub too often. If you have a set of striped mirrors, the 
scrub shouldn't take too long. The extra stress on the drives during scrub 
shouldn't matter much, drives are made to be used. By the way, 32˚C is a bit 
high for most servers. Could you check the drive temperature with smartctl or 
ipmi tools?

Vennlige hilsener / Best regards

Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
(+47) 97542685
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