On 2007-09-14 18:54:01 +0200, "Fred Drake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

On 9/14/07, Roger Ineichen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If you register views for a base request type, you
probably will open a backdor in other projects. Because

I'm not advocating registering views for the base request types
generally, but only the way to specify in the URL what the request
type is.  Because sometimes we really do want completely separate sets
of XML-RPC (or whatever) interfaces.

Ok, then I suggest:

* Provide an IRequestType interface in zope.publisher
* Provide an ++api++ traverser in zope.traversing which does `getUtility(IRequestType, *name*)`.
* define class IBrowserSkinType(IRequestType)
* Leave ++skin++ for IBrowserSkinType or just make it the same as ++api++
* Keep layer="" on <xmlrpc:view>, <browser:page> etc.


Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh & co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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