On Sat, 16 May 2020, Justina Colmena ~biz wrote:

> On May 14, 2020 7:23:11 PM AKDT, Theo de Raadt <dera...@openbsd.org> wrote:
> >That's incredibly insightful!
> >
> >You are precisely the true leader OpenBSD needs to compete in the
> >harsh corporate environment that gives us no respect!

> That might be going a bit far. You talk about *crying* on a public 
> mailing list, and that's pretty much how it is in any case if you've got 
> a PayPal or eBay account. It's nothing but a phishing scam. They "phish" 
> you for information and everything you own. There's a vanity license 
> plate "PHISH" parked next door to an auctioneer in Anchorage. People 
> think it's cute because chartered and guided sport fishing is offered to 
> tourists. I'm not welcome in town anymore, needless to say. It's an 
> auction or a crying sale for everything, and some of you folks ask for 
> people to buy computer stuff and hardware for you there.
> People shamelessly burglarize, steal, rob, and extort in order to 
> acquire all this stuff, including firearms, and then they sell it at 
> auction, all 100% legal passed an FBI background check fingerprints and 
> everything.
> Meanwhile, I have been gradually and progressively shut out of the 
> PayPal // eBay market and trespassed off the property of the U.S. Postal 
> Service, Best Buy and other places where computer parts and hardware are 
> sold. I can't obtain any of this hardware any more than anybody else 
> can, and I usually have to pay a lot more for it than others do, to 
> boot, if I'm even allowed to keep any computer parts in my possession 
> without getting busted on a felony warrant by Nazi cops straight out of 
> City Hall.
> It's getting bad. I'm not lying here. I want to know exactly who these 
> cops are, who's paying them, exactly how much, and what their political 
> or "family"  motivations are for suddenly striking with false 
> accusations in court and filing false criminal charges from time to 
> time, apparently at random, but year after year without letup, in 
> carefully arranged "setups" against certain Targeted Individuals and 
> Personae Non Gratae.
> I'm not trying to be a terrorist or go off on a shooting rampage or 
> anything like that: it's precisely those same gun control politicians 
> who insist with a straight face in federal court that computer 
> cryptography is a munition of war subject to their gun control export 
> regulations.

Doesn't sound likely.  I have an eBay account myself.  I buy and sell some 
stuff.  No problem.  I'm not afraid to be who I am.  I don't feel the need 
to use pseudonyms, or being found out where I am.  (Near Milk River, 
Alberta).  Sure I use DuckDuckGo instead of Google.  I use private mode 
when browsing, but really don't have anything to hide.  Not really trying 
to.  I use OpenBSD.  Communicate with various servers using SSH.  Use 
proxy servers some times.  Basically just to minimize spam.

I have worked in politics from time to time, and had strong differences of 
opinion with nearly everyone, but always ready to listen carefully to 
different opinions.  Worked in civil rights in the early sixties.  Had 
buddies killed by local cops down south.  Came within a hair's breath of 
being taken down, on one occasion.  Sure there were corrupt racist cops 
locally, but no national conspiracy against us.

Worked in the anti-war movement later.  Helped perhaps 1,000 folks settle 
in Canada.  Yes, I got harassed a bit for my views.  But nothing like what 
you are talking about.

Do you have a conviction for something that says you can't own computer 
equipment?  May as well share the whole story.

What do you mean, no one can buy computer equipment these days?  Costco 
is full of them.  Best Buy is too.  Build your own from scratch, or start 
with a Raspberry Pi and scale up from there.  Plenty of old computers 
around to do good work with.  Just go for it.

Worst thing happening at this moment is the attempt to outlaw full private 
(no backdoor) encryption in the US.  Probably it's the number one issue we 
should all fight.   Such an event would essentially destroy OpenBSD.

But on the whole your message sounds a bit unhinged.  Hope all is OK with 


Hook the Crook  

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