On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 10:48:56 -0600, Mark A. Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gilberto,
> At 10:28 AM 12/21/2004, you wrote:
> >>So all of this isn't really independent confirmation. It all just depends 
> >>on how you read the Biblical prophecy.<<

> `Abdu'l-Baha was reported to have said:
> "The texts of the Holy Books are all symbolical, needing authoritative 
> interpretation."
> -- Promulgation of Universal Peace, p.220

That seems like a really counter-intuitive juxtaposition of ideas. If
the scriptures are just inkblots which can mean anything, then it
doesn't makes sense that an authority can come in and tell you what
they mean. On the other hand, if the authority is really an authority
(like they have good connections with the author) then their
interpretation would at least partially convey what the text *really*
means (what the author had in mind). At least that's in the case of

(although this inkblot perspective is growing on me. I still haven't
thought through my opinion on it. By any chance, have you seen the
movie "Ghost Dog"? It really reminds me of the inkblot perspective.
There are several examples in the movie of how individuals are
isolated from one another don't really communicate with one another.
Instead what happens is that one character gives out signals and the
other one makes reasonable inferences about what they want.)

> >>And over the centuries different groups have read the exact same prophecies 
> >>and used them to predict the end of the world many different times. The 
> >>Beast has been identified with everyone from Nero to the Pope to Luther to 
> >>Hitler to Ronald Regan.<<

> And they continue to do so. Full preterists believe that prophecies *prove* 
> that Christ returned once and for all in 70 AD. Partial preterists believe 
> they demonstrate that Christ returned in 70 AD and will return again in the 
> future. Premillennialists, or futurists, argue that most biblical prophecies 
> are fulfilled in the times immediately preceding the millennium. Historicists 
> contend that prophecies have had a gradual fulfillment.
Okay, but aren't you willing to say that the Preterists are actually wrong?
Or are you saying that in some sense Christ really did return in 70 AD?



"My people are hydroponic"

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