Hi, Gilberto,

At 07:13 PM 12/22/2004, you wrote:
>>You just reminded me of a joke I heard once. I'll include it at the bottom.<<

I have actually told that one myself. ;-)

>>Suppose I tell you "I don't eat pork" and then you actually see me catch a 
>>pig, kill it, cut it up, roast it on a spit, slice off a piece, put it 
>>between two pieces of bread with lettuce and tomato, and start to eat it. I 
>>would be both surprised and moved by your faith in my integrity if you 
>>thought to yourself "Maybe when he says 'pork' he doesn't mean what I mean 
>>when I say 'pork'"

The closer one gets to something concrete, to signs (like eating pork) rather 
than symbols (like the significance of pork in particular religious contexts), 
the less likely there will be significant confusion.

With regards, Mark A. Foster * 15 Sites: http://markfoster.net
"Sacred cows make the tastiest hamburger" -- Abbie Hoffman 

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