On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 10:08 AM, Mark Hamstra <m...@clearstorydata.com>

> I still don't know where this "severely compromised builds of limited
>> usefulness" thing comes from? what's so bad? You didn't veto its
>> release, after all.
> I simply mean that it was released with the knowledge that there are still
> significant bugs in the preview that definitely would warrant a veto if
> this were intended to be on a par with other releases.  There have been
> repeated announcements to that effect, but developers finding the preview
> artifacts on Maven Central months from now may well not also see those
> announcements and related discussion.  The artifacts will be very stale and
> no longer useful for their limited testing purpose, but will persist in the
> repository.
A few months from now, why would a developer choose a preview, alpha, beta
compared to the GA 2.0 release ?

As for the being stale part, this is true for every release anyone put out

Luciano Resende

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