On 5/13/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 5/13/06, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would prefer that we resolve the DTD issue before marking a
> distribution "ready for primetime".

I agree ... and vote for beta as well.

But we should spend some more time testing to see if there are any other
lurking ghosts before we send Wendy off on yet another cycle through the
release plan process.

I see two choices.  Make the two-line change to XmlParser and roll
1.3.5 immediately with *only* that change, or wait a while and see if
anything else comes up.

I'm trying to find the motivation for Plan A.  Because if we do that,
and no one objects to calling the vote immediately... we could count
the vote in time for Don's talk on Wednesday.

Plan B assumes that people are going to continue to test 1.3.4, and I
don't know how likely that really is.

Right now I just feel like I'm going to make someone unhappy, no
matter what I do.  Or don't do, as the case may be.


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