John Becker, WØJAB wrote:
>  So tell me (and others) how someone operating a mode with a waterfall
>  display and seeing a signal (so be it a pactor signal) QRM that
>  ongoing keyboard to keyboard QSO?
>  It seems to be that *any* pactor signal is fair game for anyone that
>  *only* knows that is a pactor signal to QRM it.
>  John, W0JAB

A complete non-sequitur, John.  The problem is robots acting as 
low-budget email providers QRMing ordinary amateurs.  Not the reverse.  
Ordinary non-Pactor digital mode ham ops never intentionally QRM anyone. 
  Anyway, the number of Pactor QSOs is so small that I doubt it ever 

By doing what they do, these Robots are violating Asimov's First Law of 
Robotics.  [see generally "I, Robot"; see also "The Robots of Dawn"].  
This is not permitted, John. 

It has to stop, John.

de Roger W6VZV

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