I disagree with the statement that in a regulation by bandwidth that there is 
no phone band. Yes there is. In Canada we have bandwidth only restrictions. I 
would no sooner transmit Pactor in the phone band than transmit SSB in the CW 
band. Why? Its because commonsense prevails most of the time and we adhere to a 
voluntary band plan which is laid out by Radio Amateurs of Canada. If Canadian 
operators, or any country in the world for that matter, just arbitrarily 
decided they they would no longer adhere to some internationally recognized 
band plan just think how fast they would be jumped upon by the rest of the 
amateur community. Even with band restrictions only laws you have to have 
agreed upon mode restrictions on certain portions of the bands, because 
otherwise you'd have anarchy. It works in Canada and other places around the 
world because most of the amateur operators want to work cooperatively with the 
rest of the planet. And one more thing, for which I will probably loose my 
Kanuckistan passport for saying... if we didn't have the FCC regulating the US 
amateur community then we'd probably have huge problems around the world trying 
to adhere to gentlemanly band plans because there are a lot of unreasonable 
people out there, some of which are licensed...


--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "k4cjx" <k4...@...> wrote:
> Amazing that one thinks that 1 percent can cause any type of difference, 
> anywhere, especially on the Phone bands. Regulation by bandwidth and not by 
> mode seems to be working everywhere that it is allowed.  under a bandwidth 
> regulatory environment, there is no "phone band."
> BTW, it wasn't "winlink" that wanted anything, it was the ARRL who wrote the 
> proposal. There were flaws in it, but it was headed in the proper direction. 
> it will return as we move toward a digital future.

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