Me just thinking out loud......

Would we be talking about this if one could operate Pactor 2 or 3 
on a 15 buck sound card from any wal*mart?

I think not.

I for one can run all 3 pactor modes having the modem.
(by putting out the cash for the thing in the first place)
and enjoy the many QSO's that I have had. Not every,
and I think that really needs to be said again and again
that not every pactor signal heard is some mail system.

I have been QRMed many times because the other person
was thinking "oh it's just another robot. Well guess what?

But the good side of this now is that they (the robots) are now
on WINMOR for the most part. So now you really must ask yourself
before you QRM that pactor  "is that really a robot or 2 in a pactor QSO."

John, W0JAB

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