Ian Lynch wrote:
I'm about to book air tickets. I am a little worried about travelling
the distance if there are no points of focus apart from lectures and
talks. Anyone like to reassure me that it will be worthwhile?

I can't decide for others what will be worthwhile :)

Jonathon has already replied with a summary about LCA, but I would just like to add what we have planned for the OOo Miniconf and other LCA activities, see:


Information is still coming in, and of course I need plan B, plan C, etc :)

During LCA proper, if you stay for that, there is the opportunity to participate with a:

- lightning talk

- poster

- BOF (Wed 20 April 6pm-10pm)

Depending on your level of registration, you may attend the "Professional Delegates Session" on Thurs night, and the "Conference Dinner" on Friday night.

Also, I'm sure that if you know who is going, you may arrange to meet during the week, in and around the lectures and talks.


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