On Tue, 28 Jan 2003, Victor Mote wrote:

> I have been looking for some time for a source for the HZ (Hermann Zapf)
> algorithm which (as I understand) optimizes line breaks for multiple lines,
> looking for rivers, too many lines in a row ending in hyphens, etc. I think
> I first saw it referenced in Bringhurst's book, and that it was implemented
> by a  European company that is now out of business. I understand that TeX
> implemented it or something similar, and that Adobe may have used the TeX
> algorithm in InDesign. The closest thing I have found to a source for the
> algorithm itself is that Knuth's "Digital Typography" may have it or at
> least a discussion of it.

It is documented in either book 1 or 2 of Digital Typography by (I think!)
P. Karow, of URW (i.e.  the folks behind the Ikarus format (just google
for URW and Digital Typograhy or Ikarus)). I think it is in book one. The
books are an absolute 'must have' - but hard to get. Occasionally one can
be found second hand; usually from a art/font firm dealing with the
high end market of posters and other big print publications.

But the algorithm described there is not a computer one; but more a method
for someone cutting the scripts coming out of the linotypes and pasting
them on the wax board.


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