Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:

> It is documented in either book 1 or 2 of Digital Typography by (I think!)
> P. Karow, of URW (i.e.  the folks behind the Ikarus format (just google
> for URW and Digital Typograhy or Ikarus)). I think it is in book one. The
> books are an absolute 'must have' - but hard to get. Occasionally one can
> be found second hand; usually from a art/font firm dealing with the
> high end market of posters and other big print publications.
> But the algorithm described there is not a computer one; but more a method
> for someone cutting the scripts coming out of the linotypes and pasting
> them on the wax board.

I guess I am confused. The HZ algorithm is AFAIK a computer algorithm, or at
least a mathematical one that can be implemented by a computer. I don't
think it could be applied to a linotype at all, as that would be working
with only one line of text at a time (I'm in over my head, barely knowing
what a linotype is). Line-by-line breaking is what most word processors do,
and what FOP currently does. HZ definitely looks at a bigger context --
either whole paragraphs or a fixed window of a quantity of lines. So I
wonder whether we are talking about the same thing. I see Rhett's post that
he has found a copy of the books, so perhaps we can figure out a way to
check for sure. Thanks for the info!

I must admit to being a bit humbled. I have shopped for font editing
software at least twice, and never stumbled across URW, and have never heard
of Ikarus before.

I see also now in Bringhurst that he mentions the Seybold Report on
Publishing Systems 22.11 as a source of information on this subject. A hard
copy can be ordered for $25 ($20 if you are a Seybold subscriber) by
pressing the "bk" button by "No. 11" at
http://www.seyboldreports.com/SRPS/PSVOL22.HTM. I have ordered a copy.
Bringhurst also mentions a book published by URW -- HZ-program:
Micro-typography for Advanced Typesetting (Hamburg, 1993), which I have not
yet been able to locate.

Victor Mote

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